Drone Kahlo
Be able to follow a path of our choosing
Our Design
We chose to really leverage PID control since it is a linear system. By implementing PID control we could really hit both of those system requirements. PID would be used to hover, and we would use a ‘carrot-on-a-stick’ method to trace a path using this same PID controller.
Design Choices
Implementing PID into our software was fairly straightforward and effective as the drone can be modeled as a linear system. However, tuning the PID took longer than expected as we needed to experiment with the drone’s behavior with different PID values.
Key Insights
Our drone must be able to balance itself midair even in the presence of small disturbances. It should also be able to actuate a servo motor when it arrives at a certain point on the canvas.
We decided to use a PID controller to stabilize the yaw, pitch, and roll of the drone since it was a linear system.
PID was fairly easy to implement in our software but tedious to fine-tune.
We believe our design is effective in most real engineering applications where environmental disturbances aren’t overwhelming. However, in higher altitudes or extreme weather conditions, the drone may need a more precise controller.