Drone Kahlo
Meet The Team

Daniel Municio
Bio: Applied Mathematics major specializing in Control Theory. Serving as Autonomous Software Lead for Formula Electric at Berkeley, with expertise in SLAM, PID, LQR, and Sensor Fusion.
Contributions: Created initial drone platform, wrote controller framework and ROS code, helped tune the controller.

Ishan Dogra
Bio: Mechanical engineering major and EECS minor that enjoys working on autonomous systems. Embedded software engineer on the autonomous driving team with Formula Electric at Berkeley. In his free time he tries to avoid baking but Santiago makes him.(nice)
Contributions: Integrated drone hardware, performed dynamics calculations, designed and tuned PID controllers, and contributed to developing a controller debugging framework and strategy.

Santiago Hopkins
Bio: Mechanical engineering major who enjoys mechatronic design. In his free time he loves baking large cakes with Ishan.
Contributions: Developed and tested drone hardware, electronics, and mounting components, implemented failsafe mechanisms, tuned PID controllers, and contributed to the path planning node.

Sricharan Guddanti
Bio: EECS Student with expertise in computer vision, controls, backend development, product management, and AI architecture. Autonomous Driving Division Lead for Formula Electric @ Berkeley.
Contributions: Image processing and path planning, made path planning ROS node, debugged and tuned PID.

Suk Young Jang
Bio: Doug is a senior in mechanical engineering with CFD analysis and real-time programming experience. He worked on designing an aerodynamic bike frame for Bike Builders Berkeley and manufactured it with carbon fiber. He also designed a maze-solving robot that also maps its surroundings in real time. This was programmed using the ESP32 and FreeRTOS.
Contributions: Image processing, planning, drone dynamics, state-space modeling, and assembling testing jig.
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